First 2024 Presidential Election Debate Odds from Beantown Sportsbook sponsored by Qutz by Q

The day we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! After getting totally gipped out of any good primary action, the stage is set (literally) for Sleepy/Crooked Joe vs. Felonious Monk AKA the Trumpster at 8pm tonight in the first of two 2024 presidential debates (yes, I know there was some bleh debate stuff half a year ago with Nikki Haley and DeSantis and that Rawmaswany guy and potentially the MyPillow guy, but it was like watching the undercard bouts at UFC (I think that’s what they’re called, I am not a UFC guy (UFC, what is that, Ultimate Fried Chicken? (I just learned that Colonel Sanders did not become a Colonel until he was like 60. Before that he was just some regular guy who liked chicken)))). And too bad so sad for RFK Jr (I don’t know if he has a cool nickname yet or not), I too am bummed that we don’t get to hear more about this cool brain worm…

I figured a lot of people would be visiting or or for LIVE hard-hitting election action, so I thought I’d share what the current odds are looking like from our friends over at Don’t forget to head over there and remember that to be eligible to bet, you have to live in a sportsbook-eligible state and for tax reasons you need to enter your social security number and date of birth into the site. If the site isn’t working because it’s not yet a real site, you can always email it to

So without further ado, here are the First 2024 Presidential Election Debate Odds from Beantown Sportsbook sponsored by Qutz by Q.

  • Trump: “Crooked”
    • O/U: 17 (O: -110; U: -110)
  • Biden: Laughs or Chuckles (must be separate distinct chuckles for it to count individually)
    • O/U: 11 (O: -115; U: -115)
  • Trump: Mentions Hunter Biden and potentially gives him a cool new nickname??
    • O/U: 7 (O: -125; U: -125)
  • Jake Tapper: Looks really concerned
    • O/U: 12 (O: -150; U: -150)
  • Biden: Number of words you can’t really make out
    • O/U: 16 (O: -170; U: -170)
  • Trump: Number of words you can’t really make out
    • O/U: 36 (O: -220; U: -220)
  • Ken Bone: No odds, just remember Ken Bone? What a guy
  • Trump: Talks past them turning his mic off
    • O/U: 21 (O: -135; U: -135)
  • Dana Bash: Don’t really know anything about her, no odds sorry
  • Trump: Does that cool thing with his hands. You know what I’m talking about
    • O/U: 14 (O: -140; U: -140)
  • Either: “God Bless the United Shush”
    • O/U: 2 (O: -110; U: -110)

There you go, enjoy! And God bless the United Shush!

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